Hi! I’m JoAnna, and I am a homeschooling mama of a 2nd grader (boy) and a kindergartener (girl). Our family uses Abeka curriculum. For the past 2 years I’ve been going back and forth between teaching my son myself and having him learn via Abeka Academy classroom videos. This worked off and on with my son, but he mostly learned best when he was taught one-on-one by me (parent-led).
This past spring I wasn’t very confident in my ability to teach my new kindergartener “parent-led” and signed up for her to have an Abeka teacher through online videos for the upcoming school year. I spoke a few times with Jen about teaching, curriculum, and how I was planning to teach this year. Then Jen began coaching me. She helped me order books and organize the curriculum. Throughout this time, she shared her personal experiences in her journey of teaching her children throughout the years. All of this helped ease my mind immensely! Before working with Jen, I wasn’t aware of how capable I really was to lead and teach my kids one-on-one. Once I had the coaching, I realized I could do it without the videos!!
This led me to cancel the teaching videos before the school year started and decide to teach both of my school-aged kids myself. Jen ultimately saved our family $800. (That was the refund given after I canceled the upcoming digital classes for my daughter!)
I highly recommend Jen’s services! Her experience and knowledge have been such a blessing to our home! Now I have confidence to lead my children through their school year.

Blessings, JoAnna Hanson